Friday, August 10, 2007

blank physician’s statement recommending medical cannabis

Physician’s Statement
Regarding Medical Cannabis

as per California Health & Safety Code 11362.5

To Whom It May Concern:

this statement certifies that


is a patient uncer my care and supervision for the treatment of


____ (optional; please check if applicable) I decline to state my patient’s diagnosis to protect his or her confidentiality

I have discussed the benefits and risks of cannabis use with my patient as a treatment for his or her condition. I recommend or approve cannabis use for my patient. If my patient chooses to use cannabis therapeutically, I will continue to monitor his or her condition and provide feedback on his or her progress.

I understand that I will be contacted to verify the content of this letter. My patient authorizes me to discuss this recommendation or approval for verification purposes only.

I am a physician licensed to practice medicine in California.

This statement is valid until

expiration date

physician’s signature

physician’s name (please print)

physician’s CA license no.

date of recommendation

physician’s address 1

physician’s address 2

city, state, zip

physician’s telephone

this letter is a confidential medical statement

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's a good letter, especially the part about privacy.